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Remote ID & What It Means For You

In an effort to fully integrate UAS into our National Airspace System, the FAA has announced and implemented it's Final Rule on UAS Remote Identification. Remote ID refers to a UAS capability to broadcast real time identification, location, and altitude information to receiving agencies. This rule will make it mandatory for manufacturers and operators to comply with Remote ID requirements. Although manufacturers won’t need to be fully compliant until 2022, and operators in 2023, it will be one of the most influential UAS regulations in upcoming months.

Users can comply in one of three different ways. This can be done by operating a “Standard Remote ID Drone”, meaning that the UAS was originally manufactured with an integrated remote ID broadcaster. Users can also operate a UAS retrofitted with an after-market broadcast module attached to the aircraft. The final method of compliance is to operate a UAS without remote ID broadcast capability at FAA-recognized identification areas (FRIAs). FRIAs are hosted by educational institutions or community-based organizations and secure a protected environment where non-remote ID compliant UAS are able to operate freely segregated from other aircraft.

Many UAS operators expect their rights and privileges as aviators to be respected to the same level as manned aircraft, but then become frustrated when they are held to the same level of regulation and compliance expectations. Regardless, Remote ID is one of the most important steps in the process of fully integrating UAS into the National Airspace System. It is important to note that the FAA has also found a way to finally catch up a few paces with UAS technological advancements while still protecting the interests of traditional community RC operators through the incorporation of FRIAs into the Remote ID rule.


UAS Remote Identification Overview. (2021, March 09).

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